Public relations for lawyers

Sometimes it can feel so dang hard balancing   your current workload with business development efforts.  

Yet,  some people make it look easy.  

It’s as if they’re really lucky (always in the right place at the right time) or they’ve got a trick up their sleeves they’re not sharing with others.  

Turns out, it’s mostly the latter…  

One such trick is public relations.  

I first learned about the power of a great publicist when I wanted to get an article published in a major legal magazine. 

Turns out, if you follow the right approach, it’s super easy! 

I got the opportunity to learn even more from our awesome PR team, including how to get national television  coverage,  when  I  was in a practice management role.  

Bottom line –  a  great  publicist is worth her weight in gold.  


here’s another secret… 

If you’re willing to put in the work, you can do it yourself.  

You just need to know the tricks of the trade.  

That’s why in this week’s podcast, I’m interviewing Jennifer Berson.  

She’s an attorney  turned public relations guru out of Los Angeles. 

You’ll  get to hear how she went from being a lawyer  to starting her own PR firm as  well  as  insider  tips on how to get featured and quoted in even the biggest national news outlets. 

You’re going to want to take notes on this one! 

Listen to the episode and then let me know your biggest takeaway. How can you better leverage public relations in your practice? Leave a comment below and let me know.  

Here’s to your new-found fame 😉 




P.S.  If you’re ready to  take  your law  practice to the next level with  consistent,  quality  client  leads, solid systems so your office (or team)  runs  smoothly, more revenue with less time spent on intake and  collections, and more time outside the office so you can enjoy what matters most to  you,  I’d love to help you do so.   Apply HERE to join  my  2018 Mastermind program.

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