Nail your next presentation

Did you know that the most common fear in America is the fear of public speaking?

Well, I’m kind of weird…

I love to get on stage and speak to large groups!

Of course, I get anxious.

But I love the experience and especially the high I feel afterward.

Whether you hate or love public speaking, as an attorney, it’s hard to avoid…

From court appearances and client trainings to CLE opportunities and internal presentations, you’ll likely have to get up in front of an audience and speak at least once this year.

If you have to give a presentation, you might as well make the most of it.

Nailing a presentation can help advance your career in terms of promotions and gaining clients.

It can give you immediate credibility and help you be seen as an expert.

And, if you give a memorable presentation, people will remember you in a positive light, even if they don’t remember a word you said.

That’s why knowing how to give a great presentation is a skill every attorney should master.

The good news is you don’t have to be a born speaker or entertainer to knock the socks off of your audience.

As long as you prepare and follow certain steps, you’ll shine!

In today’s Hustle & Flow podcast episode, I’m sharing with you the exact 7 steps you need to follow to nail your next presentation.

There’s a free checklist that goes along with the episode.

The next time you have a presentation, you’ll be ready.

Just print out the checklist, listen to the episode again as a reminder, and then wow the crowd.

And when you do, be sure to leave a comment and let me know it worked!



P.S. The Legal Career Clarity Course is open for enrollment! But it’s not for everyone. Curious if it might be a good fit for you? Start by taking the Smart & Ready Quiz HERE.

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